Time Is A Gift

Time is a gift filled with memories of our lives. We can be grateful for it as our days go on or complain about how there isn’t enough of it. We have a choice to appreciate and love it. And as our lives move forward, we mature with each minute we are given to live it.

But what exactly is time? And why is it so important when it comes to finding and spending it with those we love? Give a part of our life to someone else? Wikipedia defines time as the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present and future, regarded as a whole. I view time somewhat differently. Time signifies a cherished moment spent on a living soul. A bit of our own life given to someone else. A portion of us gifted to another being. It’s beautiful, enriching and above all priceless.

Seldom regretful. Always remembered.

Forever captured in our minds and held eternally in our hearts.


Time is also something you may regret not giving more of to those that once lived and are now in heaven. Time is a reflection of who we are, how we manage our lives and how much time we give to others. Especially after losing someone you love.

A loss helps you reflect…

How often do I spend time with those I love? Do I visit those who need me? Do I cook a meal for someone who’s hungry? Do I call and check up on someone who’s sick? Someone who wants to hear a voice of inspiration? Most importantly, do I prioritize today according to what matters most?

I’m beginning to see how precious and valuable, yet short our lives are. How tiny the hours and days are compared to what eternity offers. How empowering our souls are. How fragile our hearts continue to be as we face life everyday. And losing someone we love teaches us that along with so much more. Tiny life lessons which are handed to us daily in the midst of chaos and our overwhelming schedules.

A loss changes you…

When a human being dies, a part of you dies, too. In a very unique way. A little part of you is broken but a big piece of you is mended. Healed. Transformed into a more appreciative person. A more grateful human being. More in awe of life. The living. The things that matter. More effort is put towards what truly matters. The people we love and the time spent with them. Because ultimately, we can lose it all. Including the ones we love and care so much about.
A loss questions you…

How do we make each day count? Worth living and loving? Give effort to those who breathe? Who need us? Who love us? How do we reach them so they know they are loved? How do we touch their lives? Their hearts? Their souls? Let them know they matter?

By simply being there.

A loss reminds us…

Losing someone leads us to love further. Reach others. Support one another. Provide care and comfort. Love at various depths, despite our differences. Give your time to others. Every day is a gift. A 24 hour road map that leads to destinations of those who need us. 1,440 minutes to touch someone’s heart. Make them smile. Let them know they matter. In any way you can. Help them heal in some way.

Because a healed and happy soul helps us feel alive.


That is how I healed. A portion of someone else’s life was shared with me in my most difficult journey. The healing of my heart after a terrible loss. Those who listened. Supported me. Cried with me. Hugged me. Held me. Acknowledged my pain and loss. Encouraged me to keep living and loving life. They were simply there when I needed them most. Their time was given to me and I am beyond grateful for that.
Many thanks…

For everyone who’s been there along my healing journey, thank you for being there. Your time was a gift and that gift is worth more than anything else in the world. Thank you for your time. Your presence. Your words. Your love. Your hugs. Your encouragement. For simply being you. Just that alone is the best gift for healing a wounded heart.

A heart that lost a sister.

I am forever thankful for having you by my side.

Love you!

14 thoughts on “Time Is A Gift

  1. Just saying Hello! I was replying to your post on my blog and deleted it. Numb chemo fingers! I love that you started this for your sister. There are to many of us dying everyday. Our voices need to be heard. Thank you for sharing!💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Tammy. I agree with you. Breast cancer is taking way too many lives these days. It is so unfair and heart breaking to see us women suffer like that. I cannot imagine what a cancer patient undergoes through this battle. I am so sorry you’re going through it as well. Sending hugs and prayers your way ❤


  2. Great post Evvy, I love how in depth you explore time and how valuable it s to share with one another. I enjoyed seeing you guys at the party and I hope you have a great weekend! God bless!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I’m realizing more and more that spending time with others is so so so important. I wish I can spend just one more day with Iza and I know I cannot until we meet in heaven. See you guys soon!


  3. I’d love to repost this on my blog or at least point to it to share with my readers. I haven’t a clue how to do this but if I can use a link to it with your permission I’d like to do at least that.

    My husband had done some math on time a few years ago. He realized that he’d spend only 6 months with me and his boys out of 10 years due to work. How out of whack is that! When you look at it in black and white, as is important for scientists, the reality of the priorities Life imposed on us slams us into the ground like a ton of bricks. Hopefully before death does the same so we can adjust our time priorities before it’s too late. Even a minute before our final second is not too late!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree. We all find ourselves searching for more time everyday. Putting more focus on people and less on materialistic things, including jobs and hobbies, is tough. However, dedicating time to others is so joyous and heart-felt. Yet we’re all human and it’s not always easy to prioritize how our time is spent.
      And yes! Of course you can share or link my post to your blog. We’re a community of readers and writers ☺

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Definitely! Losing someone teaches us things we either didn’t know or overlooked before. A loss is a great teacher for so much ahead, including the unknown. Thanks for supporting my sister’s memoir. Your kind thoughts are greatly appreciated ❤

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