Birthday Wish

Today is December 16, 2017. If you were here alive with us today, you’d be 42. Instead you’re celebrating your first eternal birthday in heaven. I’m not sure how birthdays are honored in God’s home above. However I picture those special days quite joyous, filled with lots of love, yummy cake and flickering candles. I can’t physically spend this day with you yet I could definitely feel your spiritual presence near me. You are smiling, drinking mulled cider with babcia and most likely looking through photo albums of our entire family tree.

Spa and wellness setting with candlesGenerations of our Eastern European roots nicely organized in binders filled with loving memories. We used to do this around the holidays. A Kalinowski tradition. With Iza’s favorite Eucalyptus Spruce and Balsam Fir candles glistening in the background, we took out stacks of photos, sipped on spiced wine, ate chocolate truffles, listened to 93.9 FM and laughed our hearts out for hours. Our brother, Adam was a huge fan of this moment. He giggled endlessly reminiscing our greatest times. And with our cousin, Emily added to the mix, the cheerful holiday spirit among us grew even more. 

Oh! The amazing stories behind those pictures. Childhood photos, fun times with our cousins, our parents’ hairstyles of the 80’s, the way we dressed in the 90’s, our trips to Poland and our lives in America after that. Us in the 20’s, 30’s and now…

Great times. Family bonding. Laughter.

Memories. Memories. And more memories…

Hope this tradition continues, in memory of you…



As fresh as your youth, as light as your soul

As pure as your life in heaven now.

I see them falling on trees, melting in thin air

Bringing forth the holiday season.


Whenever I see them, I think of you.

Smiling cheerfully, together with those that passed before you

Taking care of you, loving you

Celebrating your first birthday in heaven beside you.

Thank you for sending snowflakes our way.

Happy birthday, my sister angel!


Love you for life!



16 thoughts on “Birthday Wish

  1. So young to pass…I’m sorry for your loss. The wind is blowing today, and when it blows I like to “hear” my loved ones who have passed in nature. Blessings to you, and my hope for you that you can hear your sister in the wind as well.


  2. Powerful and touching words and I’m so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to her, to honor her life here on earth and to remain connected in spirit. I can feel the love and the pain in your words. Forever loved and never forgotten. Happy birthday Isa!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You are very welcome and I’m no stranger to loss. One day we will unite again and what a glorious day it will be. In the meantime we stay connected through spirit and the memories we carry within.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Susie. She died from breast cancer April 5. This blog is dedicated to her. Are you able to view all the posts? More of her cancer journey is detailed in them. Thanks for reading!


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